We would like to thank James Allen’s Girls’ School for their kind invitation to the Official Opening Concert of their Community Music Centre & Vaughan Williams Auditorium, which took place on Sunday 16th September 2018!
We had a fantastic evening and were privileged to experience the JAGS Festival Orchestra and Choir in their new musical space, led by Director of Music, Peter Gritton and Deputy Head of Music, Elinor Corp.
The auditorium has been named in Vaughan Williams’ honour, who briefly taught at JAGS in 1904. Hugh Cobb, Director of the Vaughan Williams Charitable Trust, shared that “Williams would have been delighted that the new music centre was to bear his name, so much of his music being intended for the wider community and the Trust, set up under his widow Ursula to promote his work”.
“Williams would have been delighted that the new music centre was to bear his name”
Total Project Integration are very proud to have worked on the project together with the entire JAGS team, Studio E Architects, AKS Ward Structural Engineers, Aecom Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Neilcott Construction to see such a wonderful space in use.